Rokoko 7-Second Animation Contest

“ROKOKO TV” Intergalactic Animation Challenge

Photo by Unlimited Motion Ltd / Unsplash

Rokoko is currently running an animation challenge that I am hoping to enter myself. I feel like I am far away from delivering a quality render at this time, but maybe I'll have time before the challenge ends on January 29, 2024.

It doesn't matter what level you are at, they are welcoming all to the challenge and their community. Rokoko makes motion capture tools that are amazing for low-budget folks like myself. While I am still learning the ropes, Rokoko seems to me to be the best entry point for this type of technology.

The contest details are located at:
“ROKOKO TV” Intergalactic Animation Challenge

I am working through some non-mocap pieces at the moment, but I might be able to switch up to learn and test the tools to be able to join. I feel like it is worth looking into if you are interested in Mocap. I am excited to see what others are doing for the challenge.