Ringing in the New Year

Being sick is no way to start it out...

The picture was taken at home. It was the new year’s eve of the traditional Chinese festival. This was the first time I took a picture of a photo. It was very exciting. It was a success.

Photo by Crazy nana / Unsplash

I've been bummed out a bit. Kicked off the New Year by being in bed except for the ball drop and then the next few days back in bed. A full week of coughing and choking, but thankfully I am starting to feel better. Today marked a significant improvement. Now to make 2024 count.

Starting behind in my goals is not how I envisioned the new year kicking off. It was supposed to be fun and I was supposed to be creating some cool content and learning more tools. The best-laid plans can always move or be delayed, so no worries. Keep moving forward! (That's my favorite quote from Walt Disney.)

It feels weird looking at things after being down and out for the week. It feels a little off as I catch up on things I missed and things I didn't start or were disrupted. My thoughts are that this is the norm. It's happened to me in the past and I am sure will happen again.

Next up for this week is attempting to get things back on the rails and get this train moving again. Another thing I learned this past year is that technologies keep moving faster than I can keep up! So my goal is to lock down and learn some processes and adapt where necessary. I am hoping to be able to show some great content within the next six months.

I do hope your New Year kicked off grand!! I hope you were able to enjoy it and had a blast! I hope you are well on your way to fabulous 2024!!