In the Beginning... Third Sequence

The third in a series of 13 videos as I learn Unreal Engine

Overall I am enjoying the process of figuring things out in Unreal Engine. It is a steeper learning curve than I like because it is first a video game engine. People use it to make video games. Over time it has become a high-level production tool and major studios are embracing it. Not only does it offer real-time workflows, but It is also changing the industry in real time.

There are several menus within the application and I've learned that people are working in professional production houses whose main job is within one of those menus. That blows my mind and expresses how complex things can be in Unreal. As an Indie DIY person, it is overwhelming to know this, however, many people are doing breathtaking solo work. I want to learn and grow to be at that level.

In the Third Sequence of the In the Beginning... Project, I gave this one a more sinister horror feeling. I like it, but I see issues and know I have a long road ahead.

I smile because I could never achieve anything remotely close to this in the past. It would have taken a month to try and it still might have taken longer. I remember rendering images that would take 1 day. Now I feel like 30 minutes is too long. Technology is amazing at times!