In the Beginning... Second Sequence

The second in a series of 13 videos as I learn Unreal Engine

The second sequence in the project comes in at 24 seconds. Here I learned about frame rates and how to be careful with both how you set up the project and how you render the project. Mistakes will be made and that is part of the learning process. I have a long way to go before I get my 10,000 hours in.

I also learned early on that I wanted to include some sort of character in each sequence as by themselves, I didn't like how they came together. It goes back to wanting to tell a story with everything.

I also follow a similar approach with this as I do with the Daz Scenes. I check for assets - this time from the Unreal Marketplace and Kitbash3D. Secondly, I build out the scene and add the lighting. Lastly, I added the camera movement. There is no Iray here, so no preview is needed. What you see is what you get. It is truly amazing and magical! Words cannot express the feeling of working and seeing what is coming to life right in front of you.