In the Beginning... Fourth Sequence

The fourth in a series of 13 videos as I learn Unreal Engine

There is more to the animated sequences in that I also need to find audio that goes with what I am showing. That is always one of the amazing parts to me as well for animation. There is no sound. Everything must be created and it is amazing to stop and think about that. Disney - every frame was hand-drawn. Every sound was created. Pixar - the same process - every frame is hand animated and every sound is created. The richness in all of these films is amazing when you break them down into their separate elements.

For these learning sequences, I utilized sound and music from Envato Elements. It took some time perusing the variety of searches, but I was able to narrow it down to what worked for each.

Right now, I am a solo DIY production. One day, maybe I will be able to hire a team, but for right now, I can learn from the big guys and apply it to the solo level and get some decent results. Things like this should improve over time as well. 10,000 hours and dozens of elements to consider along the journey!