In the Beginning... Fifth Sequence

The fifth in a series of 13 videos as I learn Unreal Engine

The fifth sequence is a great example of me not knowing what to do in Unreal Engine. I'm not happy with it, but it is a learning experiment nonetheless. I want to learn how to control the fog and lighting. This one came out way too dark and with some weird shadows I did not care for.

It is all about the process and moving forward. That is one of Walt Disney's quotes that are in my head at all times: "Keep moving forward". It is a mantra! Do not let any failures derail you. They are learning experiences and move forward to the next one.

I don't have a time limit per sequence set. I work on the sequence until it feels ready. The main goal of the project is to learn how to set up the scenes and move the camera. I'd say I have been averaging 4-6 hours to get to these results. I believe things will come together quicker after I understand the tools better. Right now I feel like I am starting to grasp the basics of some of the menus, but barely scratching the surface.

For instance, in this scene, I knew how to find the fog and light settings in the menu, but I could not get them to work how I intended. It became futile after a while I knew it was time to move forward. I also know most of what I do will be crap before it gets better.