!!!Happy New Year 2024!!!

Wishing you the very best for 2024!!!

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Photo by BoliviaInteligente / Unsplash

Happy New Year!!!  Wishing you and yours all the very best for this brand-new year!!  We are super excited to be moving forward once again after a rough few years and in an entirely new direction!

I started in no-budget movie production, moved into photography and photo manipulation, then into Poser and finally into Daz3D. I love being able to create images from nothing. Pure imagination at work with the added help of pre-made assets from a variety of wonderful artists!

I’ve always wanted to do animation but after multiple experiments, never thought it to be achievable at my level. I started with hand-drawn and super8 movie film that took weeks for a few seconds, then into both Poser and Daz which I never was entirely happy with the outcomes. Daz became my number one tool of choice, but with render times of a single frame taking even as little as 30-60 seconds, it was not feasible to do much. At least not in the way I wanted.

I never looked into the Adobe products and plan to check them out for 2d work. Moho has also come a long way and I’ll be experimenting with it. While these are great tools to explore, the big thing that has blown my mind is Unreal Engine.

YouTube is loaded with examples of various styles and techniques of animation in real time.  No more waiting days or weeks for a render. Unreal puts animation into the hands of everyone. The only caveat is learning how to use it. The same holds true for all these tools.

For me, it’s time to dig in and learn. Put in those trial and error hours to become familiar with settings and what menu a setting is hiding. Also what the settings do!  Right now I’m barely scratching the surface but in time things will become more familiar.

Never give up!  Sometimes life throws us huge curve balls and it takes time to circle back, but never give up.  Never surrender!  My favorite Walt Disney quote: “Keep moving forward!”  That is what this new year is all about.

2024 welcome!  I pray for a wonderful and productive year with focus and determination to learn, do and achieve. It’s a brand new world and a brand new life ahead!  I hope you’ll keep an eye out for what we do and I wish you the absolute very best for 2024!!