Halloween Countdown 2023 - Day 31

The 31st image for the 2023 Halloween Countdown

Found Footage

Day 31 of the Halloween Countdown 2023 Project brought us "Found Footage". I had no clue what to do with this one. I remember searching for a long time and you can spot quite a few elements in the image that are a mashup of influences. I came to the conclusion that the viewer was with a famous explorer as was being handed some found footage of unknown magical mayhem.

Scene Overview

There are several layers to this scene and it did take me much longer than an hour to get it done. Several elements are being added, moved around and messed with to get the framing correct. It was a tedious one to work on.

Camera Setup

Like all the images, they begin to take shape and ultimately I end up with something that I enjoy. I can see a story that is open for interpretation and can have multiple imaginative viewpoints from different viewers.

Iray Preview

The lighting on this one was hard as well. There was a bright spot, that took me forever to figure out. I think in the end I had it balanced pretty well.

Final Daz Render

There is way too much happening, but maybe that is the point of it. There is the found footage, a movie camera, a ghost holding a magic book... "Booook" from Hocus Pocus springs to mind. :)

Final Instagram Post

And there you have it! The footage you are about to be handed contains...

I hope you enjoyed this sort of behind-the-scenes look at the Halloween Countdown Project 2023. It is always a lot of fun to do these smaller challenges, especially when it is for Halloween. It's the start of the most wonderful time of the year! 3-4 months of Holiday Fun!! We just have to survive them! :)