Disappointing Kickoff

When things don’t go as planned…

Glitch While Streaming - There were some really cool patterns and designs that appeared before I grabbed the camera. Unfortunately I spent about 10 minutes complaining about the lost transmission of the game before I realized that I had a photo opportunity. The screen went black after I took 3 photos...and never returned to the awesome patterns I originally saw. Next time, I'll react quicker!

Photo by Michael Dziedzic / Unsplash

I’m still recouping and have a busy schedule ahead for the next few weeks. Sadly I’ve not been able to focus on Unreal activities since the start of the year. These are the trials of creativity and pushing forward.

I do have a large project to knock out in February but March and April are looking to be shaping up to be solid months to get back into Unreal. I really want this to be a stand out year and will be working hard at getting things in order.

2023 was rough for me. A total gut shot that left me in a limbo that I feel like I’m getting out of. Time is what it takes whenever grief is at hand. Things are completely different but starting to feel like the new normal now.

I don’t mean to be coy or secretive about private life, but what I’ve learned about myself this past year is that anytime something bad happens in my life, I pull away from everyone and everything. I cocoon myself until I’m able to truly function and give of myself again.

Sadly this has been to the detriment of friends and even family. I’m going to make a concentrated effort in 2024 to come alive again, to achieve some cool stuff and maybe reconnect with friends and family. I know it’s probably bad to isolate but I look back and see that I’ve done this all my life.

In some ways I think it’s weird but in others maybe it is my own way of nurturing trauma so that I can function again. We are all sums of our emotions and emotion is key to creating art so why do I shut it all down?  Might be good to see someone about that!  lol!

Anyway!  Back to life!  Back to reality!  So that I can create unreality and some cool stories and art. I truly want that to be something for people to enjoy!  I feel very connected when I think about movies and moviemaking and art and animation. That’s where I want to be.

Until I get there, I’m going to continue to stumble along and learn and create as much as I can when I can. I know I want to entertain. I feel that in my soul and blood. My next steps are to figure out what stories work where and what I can accomplish and learn from now so that I can be better the next time and the next time after that.

Onward and Upward!  Keep moving forward!!